Boudicca did not take the rape of her daughter nor her own flogging as a reason to curl up and become a meek little subservient woman, grateful for whatever crumbs fell from Rome’s table.
Great Sluts in History: Boudicca

Boudicca did not take the rape of her daughter nor her own flogging as a reason to curl up and become a meek little subservient woman, grateful for whatever crumbs fell from Rome’s table.
Every human being should have autonomy over his/her own body, and be free from sexual assault. Whether one is a p0rn star or an altar boy, a college co-ed or serving in the US military, whether one has flirted, has had a few drinks, is dressed like a “slut,” or all of the above, no one deserves be to sexually assaulted, and no one should be blamed or made to feel ashamed for being assaulted.
T’aint necessarily so. As most women can testify. How long your piece of writing is (what did you think I was talking about?!) depends on what you’re writing. We’ve all read a book that was meant to be a short story, but somebody put it on the rack and stretched it (and us) out to…