Question: “When you were growing up, did you always want to be in show business?”
Betty: “As far back as I can remember, I wanted to be either a forest ranger or a zookeeper. The problem was, back then a girl wasn’t allowed to be either one.”
Theodora - Acrobat, Whore, Empress, Saint: Great Sluts of History

How many people do YOU know who’ve gone from being an acrobat/gymnast, to actress/whore, to empress, and later, a saint? Meet Theodora.
“The Unsinkable Molly Brown:” Great Sluts of History
Happy birthday, Maggie! July 18 was the birthday of Margaret Tobin Brown, now historically famous as, “The Unsinkable Molly Brown.” In her lifetime, however, she was Margaret Tobin or Mrs. J.J. Brown (Maggie to close friends), and never called Molly until after her death in 1932. Your Fake Name Will Go Down in Posterity Broadway…
Cleopatra: Great Sluts of History
After arranging Antony’s funeral, Cleopatra, who had long decided that she would not do the Roman Walk of Shame wearing Chains, in silver or any other color, was ready to take herself out in style. Unlike Antony, she wasn’t going to bungle it. She had laid in a supply of poisonous snakes – or poisoned figs, some historians believe – and managed to sneak them past Octavian’s clueless guards.
Goodbye, Protest Signs

I hate that while there are still so many good reasons to be outraged and march in the streets, those days are behind me.